Quality management techniques

Quality management techniques

Uncertainty management

ย  To emphasize the desirability of a balanced approach to opportunity and threat manage ment, the term ‘uncertainty management’ is increasingly used in prefere nce to the more established terms ‘ risk management’ and ‘ opportunity management’ . However, uncertainty manage ment involves rather more than the combination of risk management and opportunity management. Uncertainty manageme nt is not just about managing perceived threats, opportunities and their implications. It is about identifying and managing ail the many sources of uncertainty which give rise to and shape our perceptions of threats and opportunities. It implies ex ploring and understanding the origins of project uncertainty before seeking to manage it, with no preconceptions about what is desirable or undesirable. Key concerns are unde rstanding where and why uncertainty is important in a given project context, and where it is not. This is a significant change in e mphasis compared with most PRM processes.

The scope of uncertainty

ย  The scope for uncertainty in any proj ect is considerable, and most project management activities are concerned with managing uncertainty from the earliest ‘ Conception ‘ stage to the final ‘S upport’ stage of the project life cycle (PLC) (Chapman and Ward, 1997), clarifying what can be done, deciding what is to be done, and ensuring that it gets done . Uncertainty in the plain English sense of ‘ Iack of certainty’ is in part about ‘variability’ in relation to performance measures like cost, duration, or quality.It is also about ‘ ambiguity’ associated with lack of c1arity because of the be havior of relevant project players, lack of data, lack of detail , lack of structure to consider issues, working and framing assumptions being used to consider the issues, known and unknown sources of bias , and ignorance about how much effort it is worth expending to clarify the situation.

ย  In a project context these aspects of uncertainty can be present througho ut the PLC, but they are particularly evident in the conception, design, plan and allocate stages. He re these aspects of uncertainty contribute to unceltainty in five areas :the variability associated with estimates of project parameters, the bas is of estimates of project parameters, design and logistics, objectives and priorities, and relation ships between project parties. Ali these areas of uncertainty are important, but generally items become more fundamentally important to project pelformance as we go down the list. Potential for variability is the dominant issue at the top of the list, but ambiguity rather than variability becomes the more dominant underlying issue towards the bottom of the list. Uncertainty about variability associated with estimates in volves the other four areas, each of the minvolving dependencies on later areas in this list. (Hill son,1997).

Contents of quality management

ย  Quality control is the operation technique and management activities adopted to reach the standard requirement of project quality during project implementation. This type actvity shall include a continuous control process to find out the quality problem and cause in time, reduce the likelihood of quality problem and guarantee the smoothimple mentation of project. Its final purpose is to make the project quality reach or exceed the ex pectation of project stakehoder for a successful projet.Quality control in an important technical aspect in project management and there are not many methods in its management, mainly the quality control by experts and general engineers with specialty in project technical field. As project management personnel, what more important is to play a supervision and management action. Even if the project management personnel (projet manager etc.) are the expert in technical field, he shall not spend too much time and energy in the specific project (detail ) control. To do so, problems surely will occur in other aspects. Quality control needs project techni ca l personnel with different technical specialty to play each role, build some techniques and procedures to guarantee the project to provide qualified out come in each step fro m design toย  development and to imple mentation and outcome of each step to be in accordance with relevant quality standard and project scheme . Perfect project quality control shall realize following aspects:

~ Select what to be controlled;
~ Build standard (uniform standard of relevant national governments for some industries) to provide foundation for possible correct decision making;
~ Have practicable measurement and in spection methods;
~ Compare the actual effect with quality standard ;
~ Adopt action to verify the incorrect process and material to the degree in accordance with standard on the basis of meeting with collection of timely and precise information;
~ Regul arl y manage and calibrate relevant inspection equipments;
~ Build document file including ail information.

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Table des matiรจres

Table des matiรจres
Liste des figures
Chapter 1. Risk, Uncertainty and Measurement
Chapter II. Quality management techniques
II. 1. Contents and process of quality management
II.1.2 . Contents of quality management
II.1.3. Process of quality management
II.1.4. Factors affecting quality management
II.2 . Methods of quality management.
II.2.1. Causal analys is
II.2.2. Data list
II. 2.3. Control chart
II.2. 4. Implementation of 6t5 criterion
II.2.5. Project risk analys is and quality analys is based o n WBS
II.3. The Earned Quality Method (EQM)
Chapter III. The time/cost/quality risk modelย 
III.l . Introduction
III.2 . The Earned Value Management (EVM)ย 
III.3. The time/cost/quality risk model
III.3 . 1. Didactical example : the project background
III. 3.2. Didactical example: the project analyze
Appendix 1

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