La structure mondiale du phoque commun

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Chapitre 1 Introduction gรฉnรฉrale
1. Structure gรฉnรฉtique et mesures de conservation
II. Distribution du phoque commun
III. Structure de populations du phoque commun (Phaca vitulina)
IV. Le phoque commun dans l’Atlantique nord-ouest
IV.1 Cadre du projet et Zone de Protection Marine
IV.2 Structure des populations de la sous-espรจce Phaca vitulina cancalar
IV.3 Utilisation des marqueurs molรฉculaires
V. Objectifs
Chapitre II Population structure of the harbour se al (Phaca vitulina concolor) in the Northwest Atlantic based on microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses
1. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Materials and Methods
IIU Sample collection and DNA extraction
III.2 Microsatellite amplification and allele detection
IIL3 Mitochondrial DNA amplification and sequencing
IlIA Statistical analysis
ilIA. 1 Microsatellite variability
IIIA.2 Mitochondrial DNA variability
111.5 Population genetic structure
III. 6 Mantel test of iso lation by distance
III. 7 Sex-biased migration test
III. 8 Phylogeography of the four harbour seal subspecies
IV. Results
IV .1 Statistical analysis
IV .1.1 Microsatellite variability
IV.1.2 Mitochondrial DNA variability laity
IV .2 Population structure
IV.2.1 Genetic differentiation from microsatellite: e ST
IV.2.2 Genetic differentiation from mtDNA: <DST
IV.2.3 Bayesian Clustering Method
IV.2A AMOVA on the microsatellite data
IV.2.5 AMOVA on the mitochondrial DNA data
IV.3 Phylogeography
IV.3.1 Geographical structure based on microsatellite data
IV.3.2 Phylogeography based on mitochondrial DNA sequences
IV.3.3 Geographical structure based on both microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA data
IV.4 Mantel tests for isolation by distance
IV.5 Sex biased test for migration
IV.6 Phylogeography of the four harbour seals subspecies
V. Discussion
V.I Genetic diversity
V.2 Population structure
V.3 Evolutionarily Significant Units
V.4 Phylogeography of the four harbour seals subspecies
VI. Conclusion
VII. Acknowledgments
Chapitre III Conclusion gรฉnรฉrale
Rรฉfรฉrences bibliographiques

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